Common Sense Services

“I had a very clear understanding of the process and what was going to happen, this was followed up in writing, I was kept in the loop at all stages and I received confirmation that an agreement had been reached on the day the mediation took place. I ...”

Managing your own confidence

Are you finding that confidence issues are holding you or your staff back at work? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Thousands of us struggle with confidence problems, and that even includes people who give the illusion their lives are perfectly under control. Our inner mind-monkeys enjoy creating feelings of uncertainty and fear, chipping away at self-belief and creating frustration. In turn, that negatively impacts our feelings of self-worth, our productivity and sense of job satisfaction, and can significantly undermine relationships inside the workplace.

Our workshop:

This workshop is strictly limited to six participants, ensuring each person receives the individual attention they need to address their confidence concerns. In a supportive group environment, they will be shown how to recognise and overcome their confidence challenges and be given the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from each other. Each session is tailored to the requirements of the participants, and 1-2-1 phone support will be offered both before and after the workshop.

At the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Have identified the situations they find most difficult
  • Understand what they would like to achieve and why
  • Understand what can trigger unhelpful thoughts and feelings and how these triggers can be managed
  • Have explored how skills and confidence can be developed
  • Have prepared for and carried out a personal challenge to reinforce their learning

How to book:

Please contact Milee Brambleby directly at [email protected] on 07468 570471.

Please note: this course may not be appropriate for people living with diagnosed anxiety disorders. If you are unsure whether the course is right for you, please contact Milee to discuss.
Let's Talk